Name: (Name of your doll in japanese and english. You can translate english to japanese here
Manifestation: (What your doll looks like)
Element: (Choose only one. But for legendary bountou they can have two elements)
Description: Your description of your doll. Must be detailed, has a minimum of 100 words.
Medium: (What you are using to bring out your doll. THIS MUST BE FILLED OUT)
Rules in making Techs:
1-99 posts: 2 techs
100-199: 3 techs
200-299: 4 techs
300-399: 5 techs.... and so on... you can add more techs as your post goes up.
RULES!: Another rule was applied, Before you post your new technique you must train it at the "Techniques Training" thread. Follow the guidelines there, if your topic was approve by an admin or the moderator of that thread you can post it now and add that technique to your profile and custom creation.
After it was approve you must post the link of your newly made tech.
New Technique - [Link] (That is the format)